Summer 2022 – Ocotal Water Project – Phase 2 Construction

The purpose of these trips was to continue the water project that was begun in partnership with Northeastern University Engineers Without Borders in 2015. The first construction trip, building spring-boxes to capture clean water in the mountains, was done by a team of engineers in 2019, but all progress stopped with the outbreak of COVID.

The goal of the Summer 2022 trip was to survey, stake out, and begin construction of a 3-mile-long transmission main to bring water from the new spring-boxes to the communities of Ocotal and Potrerillos.

The travel teams were primarily composed of alumni of Northeastern University, now scattered to the far corners of the United States. The first team (Matt Burmeister, Keith Nelson, and Jessica Wilson Mendoza) completed the bulk of the survey work, trained community members in the art of installing PVC water mains, and worked with a pair of local masons to begin construction of a series of break-pressure tanks along the pipeline route. The second team (Lindsey Broderick, Matt Parlon, and Bryce Wilson) provided survey support and directed the construction of bridge abutments for a 100-foot-long suspension bridge that will carry the water pipe across the river.

Both teams had great success with their objectives. They also had a chance to get to know members of the community of Ocotal, who provided housing for them in the village.

The engineering design team is currently designing a brick masonry water storage tank for the community, and continuing fundraising efforts. Phase 3 Construction is anticipated for late 2023 or early 2024.


December 2022


May 2022