October 2024 – Water and Education

Linda Kennedy led a trip focused on water, the Colegio, and more. She was joined by Sue Burgos, Jeff Prileson, and Anahita Kodali. Dr. Eduardo "Rene" Schrunder from Honduras joined as the team’s translator and guide.

As ACTS engineering partners continue to work on the water system for Ocotal, two additional water projects are in the works - one involving bio-sand filters, and the other on upgrades to the El Rosario community-wide water system. ACTS had connected with Agua Pura para el Mundo (APPM) based in Tegucigalpa. Their lead trainer, Oscar, paid El Rosario a visit to meet the ACTS team and community leaders to see if they might become engaged on a bio sand filter project for in-home potable water. Linda and the team also met the president of El Progreso Rotary, which has experience with water projects across Honduras. The hope is to pursue a Rotary International grant to fund a much needed water system upgrade for El Rosario, in a partnership among the Hanover and El Progreso Rotary clubs, APPM, ACTS, and the community of El Rosario.

On the education end, the team met with the Education Committee to discuss Colegio recruitment for the coming school year, student transportation options, and family engagement in the school. The ACTS team also traveled to Yoro to meet with Blanca, the SAT administrator for the Colegio and 16 other schools throughout the Yoro District.


September 2024 - Soccer, Agriculture and Transportation