April 2024 - Jornada and Taking Care of You
Linda Kennedy, Sue Burgos, and Jeff Prileson traveled to El Rosario and were joined by ACTS Honduran Advisory Committee member Dr. César Alas who also served as driver and translator. They were joined by Dr. Suyapa Bejarano and Dr. Marcella Zapata for several days. Two major initiatives were accomplished. A 2 day “Jornada” to screen vision and distribute free reading glasses in two separate communities reached 181 individuals. Dr. César Alas launched the first two of eight health education sessions for colegio students in our “Taking Care of You” teen program. The program was attended by up to 60 students each day.
The team also spent significant time with the local Junta de Agua (water Board) touring the community water system from the source spring to the distribution tank. Additionally they toured a separate water project where spring water is being collected and distributed to several different pilas, some for human consumption, some specifically designed to water animals and keep them away from sources humans use.
After a meeting with the farmers of the community it was clear that they wanted more information about regenerative agriculture, specifically cover crops. In a second meeting we were able to set up a Zoom session where Dr. Gustavo Merten (professor of water resources engineering, long time friend of ACTS) presented a power point about the use of cover crops and held a long Q&A with the local farmers.
The team traveled to the mountain top village of Carrizalito to visit a family with newborn triplets. They were accompanied by Honduran pediatrician Dr. Marcella Zapata and clinic nurse Nolvia Martinez who were able to perform a complete exam on each baby. The family was gifted with many essentials including a commitment to supply formula for as long as necessary.
Community members waiting for vision screening.
Visiting new spring fed water holding tank designed to water cattle.
Dr. Marcella Zapata holding triplets. Mother Jesica in background.